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What to Stock in Your Nutrivend Machines?
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What to Stock in Your Nutrivend Machines?

Choosing to stock your Nutrivend machines with a varied product range maximises sales and ensures customer satisfaction. By selecting popular products and big-name brands, you can tap into an existing market and increase profitability.

So, what must-have products should take pride of place in your Nutrivend machines? With these handy tips, you can find the right range of products for your vending locations:

1. Energy Boosters

Vending machines offer a quick and convenient way to grab a drink or snack. When people need an energy boost, they’re looking for options that are easy to access and swift to deliver, which makes Nutrivend machines the perfect choice.

By including energy boosters, like Lucozade Sport, Moose Juice and Monster Energy, in your product range, you can ensure that your target market has a wide range of options when it comes to energy boosters.

2. Protein Power

When it comes to sports nutrition, protein really is a gamechanger. Known to help build and repair muscles, the vast majority of fitness enthusiasts will have a protein-rich snack or shake before and/or after a workout.

As well as enabling people to build muscle more quickly, protein is also great at satiating hunger and helps you to feel fuller for longer. That’s why many people follow high protein diets and keto eating plans.

No matter where your Nutrivend machines are situated, you’ll want to ensure they’re stocked with high protein items. Grenade shakes, Nutramino bars and shakes, PhD Smart bars and UFIT shakes are all great options when it comes to protein power. With extensive market penetration and growing customer bases, they’re already a top choice amongst fitness conscious consumers, so why not capitalise on their popularity?

3. Invigorating Water

Water might not be the first product you think of when you’re deciding what to stock your Nutrivend machines with but there is always demand for a bottle of cold, refreshing water. Whether you’re placing Nutrivend machines in gyms, leisure centres, offices, hotels or apartment buildings, people will grab a bottle of Highland Spring after a workout, on their way to work or when they’re about to make their way home.

4. Caffeine Shots

When you’re living a fast-paced lifestyle, a shot or two of caffeine is essential to get you through the day. From helping you to wake up in the morning to ensuring you keep your focus throughout the afternoon, a drink with a high dose of caffeine makes the day more pleasurable and keeps you at the top of your game.

Given their widespread popularity, including drinks which offer a caffeine boost in your Nutrivend machines is an obvious choice. Both Monster Energy and Moose Juice drinks contain relatively high amounts of caffeine, so it’s easy to find tasty fizzy drinks to fill your Nutrivend machines with.

In addition, the Starbucks chilled, ready-to-drink range is perfect for your Nutrivend machines. With Doubleshot Espresso available in multiple varieties, you can ensure that customers have access to a wide range of popular drinks to give them the caffeine boost they’re craving.

5. Low Carb

Low carb lifestyles have grown in popularity in recent years, with some people even choosing to follow a no carb diet. If your customers’ goal is to lose weight or gain muscle, there’s a good chance they’ll be looking for healthy, low carb snacks to help them achieve their targets.

Sports nutrition products are designed for this demographic, so you’ll find plenty of low carb options from manufacturers like Nutramino and PhD. As low carb bars and snacks are often also high in protein, they fulfil two of the most important criteria for health-conscious customers. When you incorporate them into your Nutrivend range, you can be confident that customers following low carb, or no carb lifestyles will be the first in line.

Installing Your Nutrivend Machines

With endless opportunities to boost your revenue, Nutrivend machines give you the opportunity to increase your company’s profitability. Whether you own a gym, manage an apartment building, operate a hotel or are a franchisee of a spa chain, having healthy snacks available on site will incentivize customers to make additional purchases and increase their lifecycle value.

When you choose to install Nutrivend machines at your site, you’ll have the option to self-fill the machines, with access to market leading prices on top products. Alternatively, our fully managed service gives you peace of mind that everything from installation to cleaning and filling is taken care of.

To learn more, contact Nutrivend today on 01443 719 411.

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