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COVID-19 Prompts Health and Fitness Craze
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COVID-19 Prompts Health and Fitness Craze

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and fitness industry has been affected in varying ways. On one hand, the enforced closure of gyms and leisure centres meant that many businesses were unable to operate for months. Conversely, the increased demand for health and fitness services resulted in diversification and innovation within the industry.

In response to the outbreak, the Government imposed a nationwide lockdown in March 2020. With many people working from home and everyone unable to socialise, a significant number threw themselves into new fitness regimes and took control of their health.

Furthermore, more time spent at home resulted in people having more opportunities to focus on their nutrition. As well as taking the time to learn more about sports and fitness nutrition, people were more open to trying a wider range of products and ingredients.

Now that gyms, spas and leisure centres have re-opened, existing members are returning in their droves. However, people who discovered fitness training for the first-time during lockdown are also signing up for memberships and classes.

Reducing the Risk of COVID-19

Focusing on health and fitness may have been a great way to use your time during lockdown but, in recent weeks, there have been other reasons for people to embrace healthier lifestyles. As we’ve learned more about coronavirus, it’s become apparent that people who are overweight or obese are more at risk from suffering complications if they contract COVID-19.

Due to this, even more people are losing weight and working on their fitness levels. With COVID-19 still spreading around the UK, millions of people are eager to optimise their health in a bid to limit the risk of serious consequences.

Of course, being overweight or obese isn’t the only risk factor when it comes to COVID-19. People with underlying health conditions also appear to have an increased risk of experiencing complications if they contract the virus.

Interestingly, one of the health conditions identified is diabetes. For people with Type 2 diabetes, the potential to control or even resolve the condition with improved nutrition and weight loss may be a driving factor in their decision to embark on a healthier lifestyle regime.

How Are People Getting Healthier?

With so many diet plans, fitness styles and weight loss programs out there, people are spoilt for choice when it comes to how to live more healthily. Despite this, many people remain unsure which option is the most effective or most suited to their needs. For anyone embarking on a new fitness or eating plan, it’s important to seek medical advice before you get started.

In general, however, people are simply increasing their physical activity levels and changing the way they eat. By using food to fuel their bodies, rather than as a reward or comfort, millions of people are already seeing the difference a healthier lifestyle can make.

How Can You Get Involved?

The increased demand for health and fitness products and services has led many businesses to diversify. By responding to the societal shift, you can generate more revenue for your business, attract new customers and increase the lifecycle value of your existing clientele. Crucially, there are ways that companies can benefit from the increased demand for sports and nutrition products without substantially increasing their costs.

At Nutrivend, we’re always eager to help people embrace healthier, fitter lifestyles. That’s why we handpick the products that are available in our vending machines. When you choose to install Nutrivend machines on your sites, you can meet the increased demand for health and sports nutrition easily and quickly.

How Does Nutrivend Work?

We offer a range of services, so you can choose the best option for your business and your customer base. Our fully managed service means you won’t have to do anything at all, other than let us know when you’d like us to install your machines! We’ll manage the maintenance, filling and cleaning of your machines, so it’s easier than ever to deliver a wider range of products to your customers.

Alternatively, our self-fill service enables you to order the products you choose at market-leading prices and take responsibility for restocking Nutrivend machines yourself. If you’d like us to, we can still attend to maintain your machines, and delivery and installation are still included as standard.

With so many options available, we make it easy for you to find the ideal way to incorporate Nutrivend machines into your business. To learn more, contact Nutrivend today on 01443 719 411.

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