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Can Vending Machines Increase Productivity?
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Can Vending Machines Increase Productivity?

Companies rely on their staff to optimise their profitability, which means efficiency and productivity needs to be at an all-time high. By maximising productivity, businesses can increase their outputs without changing their inputs. In short, higher productivity equates to increased turnover and profitability.

With this in mind, it’s important for businesses to find new and innovative ways to increase productivity in the workplace. Providing a positive working environment and giving your employees the tools they need are key ways to boost efficiency and foster company loyalty but how do vending machines fit into the equation? Read on to find out how companies all over the UK are using Nutrivend machines to boost productivity…

1. Energy Boosting Snacks

Both full-time and part-time employees tend to eat during the working day. While full-time staff will need a lunchbreak partway through the day, part-time staff are entitled to breaks too. Of course, most people use this time to grab a bite to eat.

When people choose to snack on unhealthy foods, it can have a negative effect on their productivity levels. Eating high-sugar foods at lunch can lead to an energy slump in the afternoons, for example. While employers can’t dictate what their staff eat, they can make it easy for them to access healthy, energy-boosting foods.

With a Nutrivend machine on site, staff will have continual access to snacks and drinks that boost their energy levels and increase their focus. As we all know, fuelling your body in the right way enables you to function optimally. If you want your staff to remain full of energy throughout the day and motivated to perform at their best, it’s important to ensure they have access to the fuel they need.

2. Encourages Staff to Take Breaks

Many people assume that taking frequent breaks decreases efficiency and positivity but, in fact, the opposite is true. When employees try to work for extended periods of time without a break, their productivity levels drop, and they make more mistakes. If you want your staff to be operating more efficiency, it’s vital to ensure they take regular breaks.

However, if your employees don’t have anywhere to relax, grab a snack or take a break, they’re more likely to remain at their desks. As most companies have done away with dedicated break rooms and relaxation areas, you’ll need to find another way to encourage staff to factor regular breaks into their schedule.

A Nutrivend machine motivates staff to take a break and gives them the opportunity to refuel with a drink or snack. What’s more – a Nutrivend vending machine takes up very little space, so can be incorporated into virtually any working environment.

3. Delivers On-Site Refreshments

Although you need your staff to take regular breaks if you want to optimise their productivity levels, you don’t want to encourage them to take too long away from their desks either. By making it easy for staff to take short breaks throughout the day, you can enhance their productivity, without making it too tempting to take extended time away from work.

A key aspect of this is making sure that on-site refreshments are available. If your workplace doesn’t have a vending machine, café or canteen on site, staff will be forced to go elsewhere when they want to purchase something to eat or drink. Depending on your location, this could mean that every ‘short break’ turns into a 10 or 20-minute sojourn out of the office.

Making refreshments available on site transforms the range of amenities that are available to staff. Instead of having to leave the site to buy essentials, employees can access everything they need without leaving the workplace. With a wide range of options and competitive pricing structures, Nutrivend machines make it easy and cost-effective for businesses to make on-site refreshments available to their employees.

Are You Ready for a Nutrivend Machine?

If you want to increase productivity in the workplace and enhance your company’s performance, why not talk to a member of our team today? Installing Nutrivend machines in strategic locations could be a key factor in optimising efficiency on site. With branded machines, fully managed and self-fill options available, a Nutrivend machine can reflect your company’s persona and provide an easy and low-cost way to enhance the workplace.

With years of experience in the industry, we’ll be happy to help you choose the perfect location for your new range of Nutrivend machines. To find out more, contact Nutrivend now on 01443 719 411.

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