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Why Is Sports Nutrition Important?

Why Is Sports Nutrition Important?

Sport Nutrition Vending Machines

Ensuring that you have the correct balance in your diet means that you can achieve maximum performance levels when you participate in sporting activities. Without exercise and a good diet the road leads to health issues and weight gain. Only recently the news headlines told of yet another increase in obesity in the UK population.

It’s a strange thing but if you asked a client to eat fast food and then exercise they’d probably object and say that the fatty foods would be detrimental to them. However, many exercisers complete their exercise session before or after indulging in unhealthy snacks without even being conscious of the negative impact that this has on their overall fitness.

As a gym, leisure centre or sports centre owner/manager it seems sensible, if not a duty, to restrict the harm that your patrons can do to their “healthy lifestyle” by not offering them food and drink products that effectively sabotage their exercise efforts.

Most people do not consume enough fluids for activity and this leaves them vulnerable to issues like poor performance, dehydration and cramp. Water is an imperative sports nutrition solution. If the exercise takes over an hour then it is recommended that sports drinks which contain electrolytes are used. These are readily available in Nutrivend sports vending machines.

Sports Nutrition In Vending Machines

Our nutritional vending machines offer scientifically proven sports nutrition solutions which will:

  • Increase energy levels.
  • Assist with post exercise recovery.
  • Aid weight management.
  • Develop and strengthen the body.
  • Encourage good health.
  • Improve concentration levels.

The leading brand names:

  • Kinetica
  • Lucozade Sport
  • Highland Spring
  • My Protein
  • Scmix
  • Maxi Nutrition
  • Nutramino
  • Oatein
  • USN
  • Ufit

It’s probable that many sports centres are seeing post-Christmas exercisers who believe that having eaten too much over the festive period all they need to do now is to burn off the calories and they’ll have undone the damage.

Unfortunately, as devoted as they may initially be to taking part in spinning classes, swimming sessions and so on, there is every possibility that they are still munching their way through convenient and counterproductive foods that make their exercise less effective. Don’t let them!

Nutrivend’s nutritional vending machines are available with free delivery and installation and we have two easy arrangements to choose from.

The fully managed package:

  • Includes a free branded vending machine.
  • Machines can have note readers or cashless payment systems.
  • Requires no effort from your staff.
  • All stock and maintenance tasks are managed by Nutrivend.
  • Swift access to technical assistance.
  • Our point of sale material helps to increase revenue.

Self-managed sports vending machine:

  • Includes a free vending machine.
  • Free delivery and installation.
  • Either unbranded or branded vending machines may be rented.
  • Client has control of stock and replenishing their sports vending machine.
  • A Nutrivend account manager is available to help you.
  • An optional maintenance programme can be agreed.

Sports nutrition solutions are easy to install and will allow your client base to achieve their objectives without ill-advised food and drink choices. Why not contact us today?

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