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What Sports Nutrition Distributors and Florists Have in Common
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What Sports Nutrition Distributors and Florists Have in Common

Today we present yet another blog post introducing our readers to some of the interesting things you can find in vending machines. As a launching point, consider the following question: what do sports nutrition distributors and florists have in common?

Give up? The answer is vending. That's right, both sports nutrition distributors and florists can sell their products in state-of-the-art vending machines located in just the right spots. You already know about our vending machines, so let's talk about florists. They represent the next wave in creative vending solutions.

Fresh Flowers at Clapham Junction

Pay a visit to Clapham Junction railway station just south of London's city centre. Once you get there, head on over to the walkway connecting platforms seven and eight. You'll find a new vending machine that dispenses fresh flowers 24 hours a day.

This may seem like a non-starter if you are not familiar with the vending business but trust us when we say this is a brilliant idea. It is based on impulse sales.

The key to making money in vending is to give people the right product to purchase when they have the impulse to do so. Sometimes you have to create that impulse on your own. That's exactly what the fresh flower vending machine does. It creates the impulse to purchase as you're strolling down the walkway on the way to your train.

Imagine you've just had a long day at the office. You're on your way home and already thinking about your sweetheart. But then you realise she has probably had a hard day too. You walk by the flower vending machine and suddenly you have an epiphany. Fresh cut flowers would be the perfect surprise!

Sport Nutrition at the Gym

As brilliant as the flower vending machine at Clapham Junction is, we think placing sport nutrition vending machines at the gym is even more brilliant. What we know about regular exercise and eating habits leads us to believe that gyms and leisure centres are the perfect candidates for the kind of vending we promote.

As sports nutrition distributors, we specialise in giving a defined segment of the population certain kinds of snack foods and beverages. We target sporting types who make it a habit to go to gyms and leisure centres for regular workouts.

Like the purveyors of the fresh flower vending machine, we work with our clients to put machines in just the right spots. If someone walking through the general area doesn't already have an exercise-induced impulse to buy, our machines will create the impulse.

There is money to be made in sport nutrition vending. We know; we have been doing this for more than 20 years. If you have a bit of empty floor space at your gym or leisure centre, let's talk about filling it with a money-producing vending machine. If you can sell fresh flowers at a train station, you can sell protein bars at the gym.


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