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Vital Tools: Healthy Sports Snacks

Vital Tools: Healthy Sports Snacks

The team at Nutrivend knows it’s imperative that exercise efforts are matched by a commitment to eating a healthy and balanced diet. There is often a temptation to increase proteins to a high level at the expense of other food groups. This is counterproductive, the human body needs a balance to achieve maximum levels of health and fitness.

If exercise is taken one or more times per day, there should be an increase in “fuel” intake.

Carbohydrates are integral to energy level stabilisation. Increasing protein and nitrates intake around exercise times is hugely beneficial for performance and recovery. The exerciser needs to remember that healthy fats, calcium, minerals and vitamins must be consumed during the day too for weight management, strength and concentration improvements.

  • Public Health England released data in September 2016 which showed that in the 19-64 age group, only 25% of men and 28% of women achieved 5 a day for fruit and vegetables.
  • Magnesium reduces muscle cramps, supplies energy, reduces fatigue and helps muscle contractions.
  • Zinc helps the body to recover and to build muscles. It also fights infection.
  • Unfortunately, saturated fatty acids were being consumed significantly above the recommended allowance, except by the over 65 age group.

The diet an exerciser follows is more protein rich if muscle mass increase is desired. To lose weight, foods loaded with sugar or fat should be replaced by nuts, seeds and wholegrains which helps the body with essential oils and nutrients.

Healthy Sports Snacks Should Be A Focus

Health and nutrition advice from the NHS now includes a convenient online calculator which provides details of the calories and fat contents of specific brands and foods.

As most consumers won’t think to check this resource as they seek a snack machine or shop for an treat before, during or after their exercise session this arguably places the responsibility for providing healthy sports snacks on a venue’s staff and management.

The availability of sport nutrition products should be a focus for all sports centres, gyms, swimming pools and leisure centres.

If healthy sports snacks are convenient to access via fitness vending machines the establishment’s client base won’t need or want to seek an unhealthy alternative.

A primary benefit of having fitness vending machines on site is that the results the client achieves through following an exercise regime with the correct sport nutrition products are maximised.

This reflects excellently on the venue and leads to continued exercise, repeat business and recommendations. The addition of healthy sport snacks may seem an unnecessary expense or burden but it pays dividends at every step to the client base and business.

That’s Why We Exist

Nutrivend offers fitness vending machines on either a fully managed or self-managed basis, branded and unbranded machines feature an array of scientifically proven sport nutrition products from leading names in the field.

  • Kinetica
  • Lucozade Sport
  • Highland Spring
  • My Protein
  • Scmix
  • Maxi Nutrition
  • Nutramino
  • Oatein
  • USN
  • Ufit

Cost effective, business enhancing fitness vending machines don’t have a downside, unlike their unhealthy alternatives, so please talk to our experts today.

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