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Vending Machine Choices Really Do Make a Difference

Vending Machine Choices Really Do Make a Difference

We often find ourselves explaining to potential new customers the benefits of placing healthy vending machines in their facilities. Understandably, customers who have never before considered healthy vending are prone to believing that what you actually sell in a vending machine doesn't really matter. But it does. Vending machine choices really do make a difference.

We are by no means against stocking vending machines with things like crisps and chocolates. In fact, we firmly believe that people should have choices. But vending does not have to be limited to sugary, high-calorie snacks. Nor should it be. Just ask a young man recently profiled by the Liverpool Echo. He lost nearly 11 stone over the last 12 months just by drinking more water and changing his eating habits.

From Snacking to Drinking

Elliott Hulse used to be a person who thought nothing of visiting the vending machines at school throughout the day. He told the Echo how his trips to the machines led him to eat brownies and biscuits day after day, until he eventually weighed 22 stone. He got so heavy that he was unable to go shopping for new clothes; tracksuit bottoms were all he wore below the waist.

It wasn't until Hulse moved to sixth form that he realised he needed to do something. Thankfully, he made the decision to stop visiting vending machines and, instead, drink more water. Hulse explains that he hasn't changed the amount of food he eats at regular meals, only that he no longer snacks between meals. He simply grabs a bottle of water whenever he starts feeling hungry. Hulse says he now drinks up to two litres of water per day. He has halved his weight, too.

We Are What We Eat

Again, Nutrivend has no disagreement with companies who want to stock their vending machines with the kinds of snacks that Hulse was eating. But we are what we eat. Nutrivend has chosen to offer healthy vending machines stocked with things like protein bars and energy drinks because there is a certain segment of the buying public that wants these healthier snacks.

Just as people can gain weight by eating a steady diet of biscuits and crisps, health-conscious individuals can control their weight by choosing healthier snacks. Furthermore, a good protein bar or energy drink can be just the right thing to aid short-term recovery following a strenuous workout. That's why gyms and leisure centres are particularly fond of our healthy vending machines.

Vending machine choices really do make a difference, for good or bad. If you have been thinking about healthier vending options in your place of business, Nutrivend wants to speak with you. If you own a gym or leisure centre, your facility is an excellent candidate for healthy vending. Your customers already visit your facility because they believe in maintaining good health, and you offering healthy snack choices will be further incentive for them to keep coming in.


Liverpool Echo –

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