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Tips for Getting the Most from Your Gym Vending Machines

Tips for Getting the Most from Your Gym Vending Machines

Nutrivend Vending Solutions

Having sports nutrition vending machines in a gym is an excellent way to improve the user experience and generate more revenues. Like any other sales channel, it is important that gym owners maximise their vending machines in order to realise their full value. Fortunately, the concept of vending is one that really takes care of itself. Property owners only need to exert a minimum amount of effort to get the most out of their gym vending machines.

Below are some tips to help you maximise your vending machines. Some of these tips apply only to fully managed vending solutions while others apply to both fully managed and self-fill vending. Nutrivend offers both.

Place Gym Vending Machines Machines in High-Traffic Areas

The number one rule of maximising vending is to put machines in high-traffic areas. In the gym environment, this generally means just outside the doors of workout areas, near changing rooms, and close to exits.

Obviously, you know your gym better than anyone else. If you were to choose a fully managed solution with Nutrivend, our account manager would work with you to figure out the most attractive locations on your property. Gym vending machines can always be moved around if the first locations do not produce the kinds of results you are looking for.

Keep Machines Clean

Nothing turns away vending machine customers quicker than dirt. Maximising gym vending machines requires that they are kept clean. Nutrivend customers who choose fully managed vending can leave the major cleaning to the service technician assigned to the account. However, it never hurts to wipe down vending machines between visits. The cleaner the machine, the more attractive it is to visitors – especially visitors concerned about healthy living.

Keep Machines Well Stocked

Self-fill vending customers are responsible for stocking their machines on their own. It is important that machines remain well stocked at all times. There should never be empty space because it tells customers their choices are limited. It also suggests that the property owner is not interested in making sure customers have what they want.

Gym operators with fully managed solutions generally do not have to worry about stock. However, if machines are running low too frequently, we can make adjustments to our service schedule or increase vending capacity.

Keep Machines in Good Working Order

Lastly, vending machines should always be kept in good working order so as to ensure customers can purchase the products they want, when they want them. Gym owners on fully managed plans should never be afraid to place a call at the first sign a machine is acting up. Self-fill vending machine customers should consider an optional maintenance programme to reduce the likelihood of service interruptions.

Getting the most out of gym vending machines does not require a tremendous amount of effort on the part of the gym operator. Just keep abreast of the four things listed here, and everything should run as smoothly as can be.

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