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Revitalising the Vending Machines Market

Revitalising the Vending Machines Market

Nutrivend was founded by an ex rugby player and it is run by people who understand the bodily responses to exercise and its demands for fuel before, during and after a session at the gym taking a swim, run, weightlifting or class.

Established in 2012, Nutrivend strives to build long lasting relationships with its customers and to assist them in their nutritional aims by offering vending machines for gyms.

Could there be anything more destructive to a healthy regime than immediately heading to a vending machine full of unhealthy crisps and chocolate after exercise?

Our experts don’t believe so and that is why nutritional vending machines became our core focus.

Poor diet affects health adversely and common issues include cancers, lung diseases, high blood pressure, cholesterol, insomnia, diabetes, excess fat, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Nearly every illness that we know of can be beaten, eradicated or assisted by exercising and eating well.

We want to help you to make this easier for your clients.

Nutrivend has two nutritional vending machine options:

  1. The fully managed package which requires no input from staff at the gym and all stocking and maintenance are undertaken by Nutrivend’s professionals. The gym receives a free vending machine and we deliver, install and keep it running.
  2. Nutritional vending machines for gyms can be rented and your own company information added to the machine. Free vending machines are delivered and installed but the client takes over management of the stocking and organising effective maintenance for their facilities. You have access to an account manager so you won’t be alone.

You are free to choose the option that best suits your operation. The goal is to allow you to provide your client base with nutritional vending machine food and drinks so that health and fitness can be improved and sustained.

We appreciate that we can’t build lasting relationships with lax customer care and inferior products so we offer the best.

We stock market leading foods and drinks which have been tested and proven. We don’t offer any product that doesn’t meet excellence.

Vending Machines should offer nutritional food that is still appealing

As you may already know, many of the best foods for energy contain B vitamins. These enhance energy production and metabolism in the body.

These vitamins are essential to provide energy before, during and after exercise and by offering vending machines for gyms we’re sure that the lure of the kebab or fish and chip shop on the way home can be dismissed with tasty, nutritious and body compatible refreshments.

B1 - Thiamin
B2 - Riboflavin
B3 - Niacin
B4 – Adenine
B5 – Pantothenic acid
B6 – Pyridoxine
B7 – Biotin
B8 – Inositol
B9 – Folic acid/folate
B10 - Paraaminobenzoic acid
B11 – Salicylic acid
B12- Cobalamin

Nutrivend has a highly knowledgeable team working at their help desk so whatever your question might be you’ll receive an informed answer.
Our employees are well trained and development continues throughout their time with us so that they and our clients receive the best levels of understanding and efficiency.

Nutrivend work harder for you.

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