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Physical Well-being and the Case for Fitness Nutrition

Physical Well-being and the Case for Fitness Nutrition

The British Chamber of Commerce issued a press release on 7th February 2019 entitled 'The Physical Attraction of Workplace Well-Being'. Although lacking somewhat in depth and detail, the document discussed the fact that workplace well-being programmes have seen fairly good success over the years. The author of the post went on to discuss the benefits of promoting physical well-being in the workplace.

We think the post makes a strong case for fitness nutrition as a concept that should be pursued both in the workplace and in public gathering spaces. If physical well-being is the place to start in promoting overall well-being, it stands to reason that nutrition needs to be part of the discussion. And from our perspective, fitness nutrition needs to be at the core.

We Are What We Eat

Few would argue that human beings are what they eat, at least physically. The food we put into our bodies is the fuel our bodies use to make us who we physically are. We already know from years of clinical research that a person who consistently eats unhealthy foods is more likely to experience adverse health effects from doing so. On the opposite side of the coin, a person who practices healthy nutrition is more likely to enjoy better health.

Such fundamental truths make it clear that physical well-being in the workplace is intrinsically tied to eating and snacking habits. Let's face it, we all spend a significant amount of time at work. We eat at least one meal at work, sometimes two. We also snack between meals.

This reality leads to the conclusion that promoting fitness nutrition in the workplace could help us further advance the cause of promoting physical well-being. We have said it before, and we'll say it again: giving people healthier food choices is the first step in helping them change their eating habits.

Fitness Nutrition Has a Place Everywhere

Normally we promote fitness nutrition and our vending machines in terms of leisure centres, gyms, hospitals, etc. But when you step back and look at the issue from the larger perspective of overall physical well-being, it becomes abundantly clear that fitness nutrition is not limited to only those venues that support our vending machines. It has a place everywhere people find food.

Are you concerned about the physical well-being of your staff members and guests? If so, you can take that first step toward promoting better health by giving them healthier snacking options. You can replace the fizzy drinks, crisps, and chocolates with protein bars and energy drinks.

We understand that simply swapping out vending machines is not going to change the world by itself. But we also know that every time one of our customers makes a commitment to fitness nutrition, they are taking one small step toward helping employees and guests make better choices. That's ultimately how things will change. Improved physical well-being will be the result of a lot of little choices adding up to something big.

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