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Nutritional Vending Machines and the PHRD Pledge

Nutritional Vending Machines and the PHRD Pledge

Between 2010 and 2015, the government published a number of initiatives aimed at improving the public health, including the Public Health Responsibility Deal (PHRD). A big part of the PHRD is encouraging employers to pledge to make staff food options more healthy. To date, fewer than 200 companies have signed on with the pledge. We want to help change that with our nutritional vending machines.

You may be among those who find it hard to reconcile combining 'nutritional' and 'vending machines' in the same sentence. We understand. For years, the typical vending machine was filled with sugary, high-fat, and high-calorie foods that none of us should be eating on a regular basis. But things are changing. Here at Nutrivend, we have built an entire business around offering vending machines filled with nutritional choices.

If you run a gym or leisure centre, you are the perfect candidate for nutritional vending machines. You cater to a clientele that is more particular about the food they eat. But why stop there? Every workplace in England that offers vending machines, cafés, or full-service restaurants would benefit from the machines and food products we offer.

Pledge for a Healthier Company

We encourage companies throughout England to make their own PHRD pledge. In a nutshell, pledging under the PHRD programme means a company is committing to encouraging a healthier staff through the food choices made available in vending machines, staff restaurants, and other on-site eateries. Employers can fulfil that pledge by:

  • making sure healthier food and beverage choices are available through all on-site channels
  • working with caterers to provide healthy menu choices
  • working to ensure responsibly sized food portions
  • encouraging the consumption of fruits and vegetables through pricing and promotions
  • providing calorie and guideline daily amount information on menus
  • providing free water via easily visible stations.

Working with Nutrivend to install nutritional vending machines in your workplace will not completely fulfil a PHRD pledge, but it will get you well on your way. We invite you to consider replacing all vending machines on your premises with healthy alternatives from Nutrivend. If you do not want to replace all of them, at least consider replacing some of them or just adding our nutritional vending machines to give your employees more choices.

We all have a responsibility to work together to improve the public health. If such a small thing like offering employees nutritional vending machines can make a difference, then we believe it is worth doing.

Nutrivend makes vending on your site as easy as possible. We provide the machines, you provide the space to install them. We keep machines stocked, cleaned, and maintained for reliable service week after week.

If you are ready to make a PHRD pledge and help improve the health of your employees at the same time, you can contact us at your earliest convenience. We will get you as many machines as you need, all stocked with healthier snack and beverage choices.



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