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More Proof that Sport Nutrition Vending Is Profitable

More Proof that Sport Nutrition Vending Is Profitable

Long-time Nutrivend customers know that sport nutrition vending is a profitable enterprise. If you haven’t looked into it yourself, you might be sceptical about the possibility of making money with healthy vending machines. We would like to offer you further proof that there's money to be made in this business. That proof comes by way of the nation's hospitals.

As you probably already know, the NHS laid down the law regarding unhealthy foods being offered in its vending machines. NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens told trust hospitals in 2017 to reduce the volume of sugar-laden drinks sold in vending machines to 10% or less of the total. Trust hospitals responded in a big way.

According to Rochdale Online, 9 of the 10 trusts have cut sugary drinks sales from 15.6% to just 8.7% in just over a year. But that's not all. Vending sales have increased along the way. In the Rochdale area alone, four hospitals raked in profits of more than £175,400 during the 12 months ending May 2018.

Just Give Them Choices

Prior to the action taken by NHS England, trust hospitals just assumed that there was no way to make vending profitable without filling machines with sugary drinks, chocolates, and crisps. Such thinking is not that unusual. In fact, it is still pretty common. We just assume that people will not buy healthier food from vending machines. But this is not true.

As we have demonstrated countless times via our blog, there is virtually nothing you cannot sell in a vending machine. If you can buy something off a department store shelf, there will be people willing to buy it from a vending machine. If you don't believe that's true, just do a quick online search of vending in Japan.

Nothing is out of bounds for Japanese vendors. Their machines are loaded with everything from food to mobile phone accessories and adult toys. What it comes down to is choice.

A machine filled with food products is intended to target a certain audience. That audience wants choices. If all of the products are unhealthy foods, then you're guaranteed your audience will make unhealthy choices. But if you give them a choice between healthy and unhealthy options, you'll quickly discover that both sell.

We Offer Healthy Choices

Our business model for sport nutrition vending is to offer customers healthy choices. They have lots of options for fizzy drinks and sweets, but fewer options for protein bars and shakes. We want to give them those healthier choices. So that's what we do. And yes, we are making good money doing it.

Sport nutrition vending is profitable. The numbers don't lie. If NHS England and nine of its Trusts can make it work for them, it can work for you too. So give us a ring and let's talk about sport nutrition vending solutions for your premises. It's time for you to start taking advantage of the profitability of healthy vending.


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