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Leisure Centre Vending from a Child's Perspective

Leisure Centre Vending from a Child's Perspective

So much of what we do in the business world is about messaging. Whether you're talking about building a brand, selling a new product, or convincing customers that your service is superior to that of your competitors, the effectiveness of your message either wins or loses the day. So let's step back and think about leisure centre vending from the standpoint of messaging.

The Scotsman published a great article on 10th March discussing leisure centre vending from a child's perspective. The article was written by Jane Bradley based on conversations between her and her five-year-old daughter. Those conversations centred around nutrition and athletes.

A Case of Confusing Messages

According to Bradley, she has regular discussions with her daughter about good nutrition. The family is big on eating healthy whenever possible. They reserve things like sweets and crisps for special treats rather than foods to be eaten every day. Bradley explained in her piece how she relates good nutrition to athletic performance, given that her daughter is a big fan of sport.

During one recent conversation, Bradley's daughter made it known that she was under the impression athletes could eat junk food out of vending machines without it affecting their performance. Bradley was confused at first. But after asking some questions, she discovered that her daughter made the association between junk food and athletic performance based on the leisure centre vending options she observed.

This little girl noticed that the vending machines at the leisure centres and sports venues she visited with her family were packed full of sweets, crisps, and soft drinks. She just assumed that's what athletes ate before and after their workouts. Suffice to say that Bradley corrected her daughter's mistaken notion straightaway.

But Bradley described a classic case of confusing messages. On one hand, leisure centres promote wellness and health through regular exercise. On the other hand, they are also offering their clientele less healthy foods that can completely undo all the benefits of a good workout. The message is so confusing that even a child can recognise it.

Our Message Is Clear

As an industry leader in leisure centre vending, our message is clear: healthy vending options are better for people attempting to live healthy lifestyles. They are a better choice for everyone in reality, but we focus on those people who are likely to buy food from vending machines.

So what is your leisure centre's vending policy? Are you sending mixed messages to your customers? If so, you can fix it by swapping out your current vending solutions with more nutritional options. We invite you to contact us to learn more about what we offer.

Our goal is to help you meet the needs of your guests by offering nutritional vending machines featuring healthy snack foods and drinks. By transforming your vending environment into a healthier one, you will be reinforcing the message of wellness and good health your leisure centre seeks to promote.


Scotsman –

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