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Is Fitness Vending Coming to Greenwich?

Is Fitness Vending Coming to Greenwich?

We've used the occasion of previous blog posts to talk about how excited we are that NHS hospitals are helping to combat the obesity epidemic by transforming their vending solutions. Along those same lines, we were thrilled to learn not too long ago that councillors in Greenwich are looking at doing something similar in all council leisure centres, libraries, and community facilities.

Could fitness vending be coming to Greenwich? It's quite possible, according to a recent report published by the News Shopper. According to contributor Tom Bull, there are serious proposals now on the table to eliminate sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks from council vending machines. They would be replaced by healthy snacks and sugar-free drinks.

A few councillors also want to take a look at the kinds of products being sold on high streets, particularly in relation to popular desert shops. However, that's a topic for someone in that industry to address. Our expertise lies with the vending machines in Greenwich public facilities.

Giving Patrons Healthier Choices

It was a no-brainer when the NHS made the decision to scale back sales of sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks. But they realised that in order for their plan to succeed, they couldn't just get rid of the unhealthy foods. They had to replace those unhealthy foods with healthier options. That's just what NHS hospitals began to do more than a year ago. And guess what? It worked.

Greenwich Council could essentially do the same thing. They could say to leisure centre operators and library managers that it's time to give patrons healthier choices by substituting unhealthy snacks with healthier alternatives.

If the success of the NHS plan is any indication, councillors won't have to worry about lost revenues. As evidence, there was no measurable reduction of revenues at any NHS hospitals that embraced the voluntary plan. In fact, most hospitals reported increased sales. That's what happens when you give patrons healthier choices.

We Have Fitness Vending Solutions

Should Greenwich councillors follow through on their proposal, we stand ready to assist with innovative fitness vending solutions. All our vending machines are stocked with healthy products that are perfect for leisure centres, gyms, and even libraries. Moreover, we only stock high-quality products that patrons will recognise.

While we wait to see what Greenwich Council will do, we would like to invite you to consider the vending solutions you have on your premises. It's okay to have vending machines dispensing a limited number of crisps, chocolates, and sugary drinks. But they shouldn't be exclusive. Give your patrons other options; give them healthier options.

When you partner with us, you get a fitness vending solution that meetsthe needs of your customers. Just give us the floor space and we'll take care of everything else. We will install the machines, fill them, and return on a regular basis to restock and maintain. We also have a self-stock plan if you're interested. Just give us a call to learn more.


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