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How to Make Money in Vending Without Really Trying

How to Make Money in Vending Without Really Trying

There was a popular musical back in the 1960s entitled How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying. It was based on a book by the same name, written about a decade earlier by a corporate executive who wanted to satirically chronicle his rise from the mailroom to vice chairman. We want to borrow from the musical to talk about gym vending machines. Welcome to 'How to Make Money in Vending without Really Trying'.

Other articles discussing how to succeed in vending approach it from the vending company's point of view. We want to address the customer's point of view. For the purposes of this discussion, you are the customer. You can make money by putting vending machines on your property.

Here's How You Do It:

Choose the Right Partner

Right off the top, you need to have the right vending partner in place if you don't want to do all the work yourself. We are that partner to owners of gyms and leisure centres. We like to believe we are the best partner as well.

Your choice of partners will be critical to your success. You need a partner with reliable equipment, products that sell, and service personnel who do their jobs. You get all of that and more with Nutrivend.

Choose the Right Locations

Next comes the task of choosing the right locations for your gym vending machines. To do this, you have to understand your guests. Where are they most likely to see the vending machines at the very time they are feeling hungry? Where do they generate the most foot traffic? In short, the right locations are paramount to maximising sales.

Get to Know Your Guests

Getting to know your guests is key to understanding what kinds of products they want to see in gym vending machines. So don't be shy. Ask them what they think of the current line-up. Ask if there's anything they'd like to see that isn't currently offered. The more you understand them, the more you will be able to determine what products will sell best.

Leave the Rest to Us

This final step to making money in vending is the easiest type of all: leave the rest to us. Once you work with us to choose the right locations and the right products for your machines, there is nothing left for you to do. We take it from there.

We will deliver and set up as many gym vending machines as you want. We will stock those machines with the products your guests want. One of our service professionals will return on a regular schedule to restock, clean the machines, collect the receipts, and do any necessary repairs. And of course, you will receive your share of the receipts once the money has been accounted for.

The beauty of vending with Nutrivend is that we handle all the work. You make money without really trying just by supplying us with the floor space our machines need.

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