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Gym Nutrition Products

Gym Nutrition Products

Nutrivend’s team of experts appreciates that sport nutrition plays a key part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It should also rank highly with gym, sports centre and leisure facility management.

When someone walks over your premises threshold, they crave incontrovertible benefits from their choice to exercise as they follow a balanced diet. Therefore, if your premises hosts nutritional vending machines you are strengthening their results potential and your responsibility as an life enhancing establishment is being fulfilled.

When clients reach for a snack please ensure that they can access nitrate and protein rich, maximum output efficiency, muscle building and recovery products. Gym nutrition products, both liquids and foodstuffs, help exercisers before, during and after activities with goal achievement.

We offer products which are scientifically proven and are manufactured by leading names in the sport nutrition field. Many exercisers appreciate the need for hydration but still don’t drink enough fluids. Maybe they need to be steered in the right direction by gyms?

Let's Talk Gym Nutrition Products

Our sport nutrition range contain products from:

  • Kinetica
  • My Protein
  • Scmix
  • Ufit
  • Maxi Nutrition
  • Nutramino
  • Oatein
  • USN
  • Lucozade Sport
  • Highland Spring

Why proteins are vital

  • Proteins build and maintain body mass.
  • Muscle growth only occurs with a combined effective diet and exercise solution.
  • Power athletes need more protein than their endurance sport friends.
  • A diet that has the right amount of carbohydrates and fat ensures that less protein is consumed during exercise, it diverts to lean body mass.
  • Protein ingested within two hours of exercise helps muscles to repair too.

Why nitrates are essential

  • Nitrate is the salt of nitric acid and it’s present in root vegetables, fruits and grains.
  • They increase the tolerance levels in the body so when exercise is taken it produces more energy and copes competently.
  • Nitrates lower the amount of oxygen that the body needs to achieve the movement required.
  • Players of team sports benefit from sport nutrition products which contain nitrates. Player may not always be in motion but the nitrates allow them to embrace activity fluidly.

Nutrivend has two nutritional vending machines services

  1. The fully managed package:
    • Tailored to your business needs.
    • Free nutritional vending machines.
    • Machines can have cashless payment systems/note readers.
    • No input required from your staff.
    • Stocking and maintenance tasks are managed by Nutrivend’s team.
    • Technical assistance is always available.
    • Point of sale material is supplied to help increase revenue.
  2. Self-managed rental vending machine services:
    • Free nutritional vending machines - delivery and installation.
    • Unbranded/branded vending machine possibilities.
    • Client has control of stock and ordering.
    • Enjoy a Nutrivend Account Manager’s services.
    • Take advantage of an optional maintenance programme.

Choose the option that suits your team, operation and clients best but please take positive action to supply sport nutrition products that your clients will love.

Our branded vending machines offer an air of authority and a sign of endorsement of the gym nutrition products which aids the overall impression of accomplishment and professionalism as it increases client confidence and motivation.

Contact us today, we’ll be delighted to help you find the right gym nutrition products.

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