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Free Beer: Proof You Can Put Anything in a Vending Machine

Free Beer: Proof You Can Put Anything in a Vending Machine

In our quest to explain to new clients all the benefits of nutritional vending machines, we come across sceptics who don't think it's economically viable to stock vending machines with things like protein bars and sports drinks. We get that. Mention vending in the UK and most people think of chocolates, crisps, and soft drinks. But there's a lot more to vending.

Need proof? Then consider a new vending machine that made its début – for one day, and one day only – outside of the O2 in London. There was only one item stocked in this vending machine, and it was free. What was the item? Beer.

No, that's not a misprint. An anonymous brewer decided to place the vending machine in a rather conspicuous location to get people to try their product. At the conclusion of the promotion they planned to reveal their identity in the hopes that the majority of people who helped themselves to free beer would like what they tasted.

To make the appeal of the campaign as broad as possible, the brewer gave away free beer even to people who couldn't make it to the vending machine. Consumers only had to sign up online and then go to one of 200 participating venues to grab their free beer.

It's All About Location

The point of relaying this story is to make it clear that vending is all about location. Nutritional vending machines do extremely well if you place them in the right spots. It's no different than any other product.

The free beer vending machine worked extremely well outside the O2. Put that same machine in front of a police station and it wouldn't get nearly the same kind of reception. Likewise, nutritional vending machines have their proper place. More often than not, that means gyms and leisure centres.

We've years of experience in the vending industry. Trust us when we say you can put anything in a vending machine and sell it as long as you target the right audience. Gyms and leisure centres are ideal for nutritional vending because of the clientele they serve.

Who visits gyms and leisure centres on a regular basis? People who want to get exercise. They are the same people who are likely to live a health-conscious lifestyle. They care about what they eat, and they definitely want to eat something after a strenuous workout. So rather than giving them a choice between sweets or some other unhealthy snack, we are giving them healthier snack choices.

You may not see the value of nutritional vending machines for your location. We understand that. But would you at least give us a chance to sit down and show you how well our vending could work as a money generator on your premises? We believe in what we do, and we believe you will see the value in it if you give us just a few minutes of your time.


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