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Euromonitor: Protein Products Driving Sport Nutrition

Euromonitor: Protein Products Driving Sport Nutrition

Nutrivend keeps an eye on consumer trends to guarantee that our sport nutrition vending machines carry the kinds of products consumers want. So we are not surprised by a recent Euromonitor report showing that protein products are driving the growth in sport nutrition around the world.

According to Euromonitor, protein products are growing faster than any other product category in sport nutrition. Furthermore, sport nutrition itself is the fastest growing market in the consumer health sector. Those two realities combined are enough for us to say that protein products are moving our industry forward.

By the Numbers

A closer look at the numbers reveals just how important protein products are to sport nutrition. Please bear in mind that Euromonitor's numbers are measured in US dollars. With that said, consider the following in relation to the global market:

  • Sport nutrition sales reached $11.9 billion last year, up from $7.3 billion in 2011
  • Protein products generated sales of $9.7 billion, accounting for more than 80% of total sales
  • Protein product sales are expected to exceed $14 billion by 2021
  • Annual growth for sport nutrition is expected to be just under 8% (CAGR) through 2021.

The fact that protein products make up 80% of the total sales in sport nutrition is pretty incredible. It is especially important in light of recent surveys that suggest fewer than one third of those who exercise regularly use any kind of sport nutrition product, let alone a protein product. Imagine the potential for our industry if we could capture the remaining two-thirds of regular exercisers.

As for the protein products themselves, Euromonitor's report indicates that protein powders rule the day. That does not help us in the nutritional vending field inasmuch as powders are not ready-made snacks. The good news is that protein bars and ready-to-drink protein beverages are gaining ground as well. They posted growth rates of 5.7% and 7.7% respectively in 2016. Total revenues reached $952 million for protein bars and $1.1 billion for ready-to-drink protein products.

Get Your Slice of the Pie

Euromonitor's report makes it very clear just how important sports nutrition products are to professional and amateur athletes. It demonstrates that the market for sport nutrition is growing exceptionally fast compared to other contributors to the consumer health sector. This tells us that there is plenty of room for anyone who wants to get their own slice of the pie by way of nutritional vending.

If you are ready to get into the sport nutrition market at your gym or leisure centre, Nutrivend has a solution for you. We have decades of experience in the vending business throughout the UK. Our vending machines can be delivered to your site, set up in the most desirable locations, and then filled and maintained by our route specialists. Remember that we are keeping an eye on consumer trends. Right now, protein is in, and we intend to take full advantage of it.


Nutritional Outlook –

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