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Are Nutritional Vending Machines A Moral Issue?
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Are Nutritional Vending Machines A Moral Issue?

Real Business recently posted a fascinating article discussing a move by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to encourage employers to do a better job of understanding how obesity affects the office. Author Charlie Mullins took the position that it is not the employer's responsibility or right to dictate what employees eat or whether or not they exercise.

The article made us think about our own business. It caused us to consider whether nutritional vending machines – or more to the point, installing them – is a moral issue. In other words, do employers have a moral obligation to swap out those chocolate and crisp machines with new vending machines carrying healthier options?

The Obesity Problem is Real

We understand the position taken by the IES. As they have stated on numerous occasions, the obesity problem here in the UK is very real. According to a January 2019 report by Sky News, more than 60% of UK adults are either overweight or obese. In England alone, a third of those over the age of 35 are considered obese.

There's no denying that the numbers paint a startling picture of how we Brits manage our weight – or fail to manage it, as the case might be. But we also have to consider Mullins' position that weight maintenance is not the domain of employers. The last thing he wants is to have to carry a tape measure around in order to monitor employee waistlines. We cannot argue with that.

A Solid Business Issue

Carefully thinking about Mullins' piece leads us to the conclusion that, at least for us, installing nutritional vending machines is not a moral issue. It is a solid business issue, though. We have been in this business for more than 20 years, so we know what sells. And trust us when we say that nutritional vending machine products sell.

We have put our machines in offices, gyms and leisure centres, educational institutions, and even healthcare facilities. We have seen first-hand that people will make healthy choices if you just give them options. And make no mistake, we are not suffering financially because we have decided to focus our attentions on nutritional mending machines. Our business is doing just fine.

Vending Solutions for Your Business

Regardless of the position you take on Mullins' article or the IES initiative, know that nutritional vending machines are a business issue for you as well. If you have empty floor space in strategic locations around your building, you could be missing an opportunity to make money by leaving that space vacant. Let us talk about filling it with a vending machine instead.

Vending is a very profitable business that relies on impulse sales. It is a business that offers a good return with very little effort from you. You supply the floor space and we handle the rest. As an added bonus, you'll be offering your employees and guests healthier snacking options.


1. Real Business –

2. Sky News –

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